Monday 8 September 2014

Heir to the Mary Queen of Scots throne and fortune ~ Born princess, a queen by bloodline & an heir by birth right Her name Cassandra (Kesha Cassandra)....the Blenheim Palace home as for

Heir to the Mary Queen of Scots throne and fortune ~ Born princess, a queen by bloodline & an heir by birth right Her name Cassandra (Kesha Cassandra)....the Blenheim Palace home as for 

a heir to the Mary Queen of Scots throneif relocated outside of England. Reigning over England from Monaco, the monarchy is secure. The fortune will also secure the long-termed future of Europe. Due to the London Metropolitan Police altercations against this the heir to England's throne, UK Queen and heir to Mary Queen of Scots fortune depleted, harassed, fleeced and racially ill-treated stands in defiance of the Americas that arebeing witnessed around the world. Especially, as they falsely alleged married to another other than her and Brad Pitt announced annually. This being their 30th year secretly and publicly married to one another. 

Commonwealths will never remain under this Queen, Empress, Ruler. Nor will the dispensing of her Queen's purse by the greed of Americans who also have pillaged her as a child, stolen from her fortune and inheritance for decades. Poverty and child sex trafficking for eradicated and the world expand the kingdom and monarchy of this the new Queen, Empress Ruler. Out is the old world order and old regime.

This Queen, Reign, Rules and Rises!!!!!!

- CEO.Founder Poet, Writer, Author, Publicist, (now bebunked 2011-2012 )Elite One Flms, Provocateur 'Club, Provocateur and CEO/Founder Provocateur formerly known as EliteOne Provocateur/Elite One Films/EliteOne Provocateur Gentleman's Club/EliteOne International/Elite One Media Group & Provocateur elle, Provocateur 2014, My Diamond Life Diary

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